Monday, February 8, 2010

Sat 6th Jan 2010

hey hey. the club lapa is up! looks great(no pics unfortunately) all we need to do now is put on the roof which is going to be composed of long sticks.
been chatting to a guy i work with who has contacts in the road building industry, he says he can perhaps get us a big discount on profesionally built tar runway.

otherwise flying on sat was good. a bit interrupted by 15 seconds of rain. helis flying everywhere. Wifly brought out the v2 hk450 heli which i ordered. very nice. they have improved alot of the niggles the v1 had. ie the spindle is now 4mm so it stands up a bit better to knocks.

the blades it comes with look better. not as thick as the v1's version. so the power drain should be less.

i did an auto with my v1 on sat. bumped down a bit hard but no damage. then i noticed a bit of vibration while flying afterwards. the downwards whip of the blades when it bumped down bent the 3mm spindle slightly.

carried on flying but obviously the vibration is not good for. it. fortunately the spindles are very cheap. but the improved 4mm version in the v2 will improve things quite a bit

tried a set of 335mm blades on my scale. BIG improvement. alot more lift and in descent and braking it doesnt drop out of the sky like a stone so much.

i think for general flying these blades are better than the standard 325mm as they produce more stability and more lift. for 3D stick to the 325mm blades.

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