Monday, February 1, 2010

Sat 30th Jan

The rain gods were smiling apon us. it rained all week and cleared up Saturday. usually the other way around. turned out to be a scorcher at the field.
Nice turnout. the guys did the concrete stands for the lapa. so this week we should be able to start putting up the uprgiths for the lapa. really starting to look good.
The area around the lapa is also going to be paved and hopefully a few tables will be built in the pit area to fix your plane/heli or put your drink on around the braai

flying consisted mostly of helis and then mostly HK450's hehe they are really becoming popular

Fanie flew his normal one, and a flybarless version. it flew nicely just quite sensitive to the type of blades it uses. it seems to prefer thicker blades with a wider profile to the narrow CF blades.
I Flew my Scale Hughes(as per the pic above) quite different flying scale. its obviously alot heavier. so you need to up the throttle curve and pitch curve. in forward flight it racks very nicely(having a big vertical fin at the back) but when hovering the wind does tend to push it round a bit. When coming out of dives etc you have to flare earlier and harder(makes sense since its heavier) but all in all im very happy with it

One thing to note though. if anyone wants to go the scale route. i highly recommend a 50amp+ speed control from wifly. the 40a purple ESCfrom wifly works ok but it gets pretty warm. also a 3000ma pack is useful to make it balanced. otherwise they turn out tail heavy.

I can highly recommend the Scale fuselages from Wifly. The quality is better than align. and they are Cheaper too.

not much plane flying went out. Luie flew his stick around a bit. Louis flew his pegasus trainer and Jimmy/James flew around a little fandango. cute little plane. funny looking.
I flew Louise 3D Groovy. but the motor came loose. burnt out. so it ended up in the feld. no damage apart from a fried motor.

If anyone has more pics pls send them along

Dont forget guys. Club fees are now due. R200 for existing members. R200 joining fee and R200 for new members.

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