sooo. a while back fanie and i saw that www.hobbyking.com had a trex 450 clone called the hk450 on their site for $29.99.
sounded too good to be true. so fanie ordered one and put it together along with the suggested motor and htx900 servos and a telebee gyro. all recommended by the site. and what do you know. it flies. and it flies nicely. this could be a really good way to get into helis. I AM NOT STATING that they are BETTER than the Align helis. but they are damn close. and for the price its a good way to enter the world of heli flying.
Trex 450 parts fit it perfectly. they also make a HK500GT and HK250GT size heli. the HKT-500 heli i believe has problems. so i wouldnt go for that one. read the reviews.
I tthink I am going to order one of these.. Sturt, let me know when you place the order... I think I might brave the forward flight with something a little less expensive than my Align 250...
i ordered mine a week ago. it arrived at the PO yesterday. cant wait to pick it up.
if you order the heli alone. they have a special on shipping. $14.50
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