Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Internet Hobby Shops

Hey Fellow Flyers

As you know most(not all) south african hobby shops are a ripoff. so here are some sites which i feel offer good value for money and good service, some international. some local.


If you guys know of other decent local shops post them here on the site for everyone to see. Dealers. Feel free to punt your stuff here as well if you like(within reason)

www.hobbyking.com (Fanie and i have tested the stuff from these guys. seems too cheap to be true. but so far the items have proved reliable)
www.flying-hobby.com (mainly helis)
www.infinity-hobby.com (helis, heli parts and upgrades)
www.towerhobbies.com (fairly expensive. but the discounts they give you make it worth while in some instances)

in many cases some guys at the club have dealer accounts with these dealers. so ask around. and it works out cheaper

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