Tuesday, November 10, 2009

hk450 heli

so ive built up my HK 450 heli and irritatingly enough the setup does not come with a pinion gear for the motor. so anyone buying one just be aware pof that. the part number you need(available from Ian Saunders at WiFly) and HK is F050
Hobbyking have just released their version of the famous Futaba Gy401 gyro. its labelled the HK401B. they claim its the same thing(although its uses a piezo crystal sensor and not SMM tech like the futaba) other than that its identical
difference is price. Futaba gy401 is $130, HK401b is $15.99
yes you read right....ive ordered one to test it out. if all goes well i will recommend them to Wifly to fit as standard equipment to the HK range of helis.

Specs(scuse the chinglish)
Compatible with both Digital and Analog systems
Minimizes rudder trim changes caused by wind, other meteorological changes, and varieties of helicopter attitude changes are automatically cancelled.
Sensor vibration proofing
Simple sensitivity adjustment
Digital proportional RIC system
Operating voltage: 4.8V ~6V( common for receiver)
Operating temperature: -lOL r-.rf-45 C
Dimensions: 28x28x20 mm
Operating current: 80mA

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