Wednesday, November 25, 2009

progress on mossie, almost almost

after a 3rd coat of sealer im almost near the painting stage. got the motors running in the right direction now. just waiting for a servo reverser for the one retract.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Saturdays Flying

well...saturday started out a bit rainy etc. but ended up nice and sunny. cept for the fact that we were attacked by a swarm of flying ants as soon as the sun came out. made heli flying interesting while trying to bat away the miggies.

Louise aerie went in on maiden. Still not sure why. not radio. it took off. climbed out. seemed a little tail heavy so i cut back on throttle to half. gave some down to stop it climbing, then it just rolled to the right and in it went. splat. end of nice aeroplane.

suggestions are currently that the tail area was too small for the aircraft and it was too heavy. personally im putting it down as one of those Fukknows prangs.

Then flying Fanies HK450 and suddenly flipped inverted and went splat as well. at least we know the cause. the rear screw on the CCPM swashplate connecting to the rear servo fell out. essentially making it lose all cyclic elevator control.

flew my stock standard hk450. flies very nicely. but i burnt out my 33a ESC. with the stock blades its SUCKS juice. so im going to get one of those 40a esc's from WiFly for R120 and try it out. also going to get some of the CF blades WiFly is selling.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Some coming WiFly Products

Hi Guys

Sat with Wifly last night helping them sort out stock and prices. and the prices are really good. R49 for a 9g 1.6kg Servo. R120 for a 40a Brushlesss Speed Control, R450 for a 450 size CCPM 3D Heli,R200 bucks for a 2200ma 3S lipo

not bad at all.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Louis New Aerie

check out louis nice new aerie. going to maiden it on Sat :)

1.20 size. 5kg weight. should be a lovely flyer

progress on mossie

well not much im afraid. but i have done some more snading and sealing of the wood in prep for the painting. went to builders to try get a tin of spray primer. and they merely pointed me to a spray can of grey primer....ummm no not what i meant.
anyway i think primer will add too much weight in any case.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Offer for water at the club

Hi Guys

One of the fellows i work with can organise us piping and fittings for water at the club at between R3 and R5 a meter based on diameter and type of pipe we want. So i was thinking it would be so nice to have a tap(which we can lock of course) running to Tonys tank and then we could have running water on the weekend. would be nice for the toilet too.
Say its 300m to tonys house it would cost between 900 and 1500 bucks to do it. What do you think?

wifle almost up and running

So wifly(ex flights of fancy) is gearing up to start again. check out and email if you want anything. site should be fully operational from early Jan.

havnt done much building on the mossie of late. i got the new Call Of Duty PC Game for my Birthday and have been glued to the PC since.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

hk450 heli

so ive built up my HK 450 heli and irritatingly enough the setup does not come with a pinion gear for the motor. so anyone buying one just be aware pof that. the part number you need(available from Ian Saunders at WiFly) and HK is F050
Hobbyking have just released their version of the famous Futaba Gy401 gyro. its labelled the HK401B. they claim its the same thing(although its uses a piezo crystal sensor and not SMM tech like the futaba) other than that its identical
difference is price. Futaba gy401 is $130, HK401b is $15.99
yes you read right....ive ordered one to test it out. if all goes well i will recommend them to Wifly to fit as standard equipment to the HK range of helis.

Specs(scuse the chinglish)
Compatible with both Digital and Analog systems
Minimizes rudder trim changes caused by wind, other meteorological changes, and varieties of helicopter attitude changes are automatically cancelled.
Sensor vibration proofing
Simple sensitivity adjustment
Digital proportional RIC system
Operating voltage: 4.8V ~6V( common for receiver)
Operating temperature: -lOL r-.rf-45 C
Dimensions: 28x28x20 mm
Operating current: 80mA
woohoo. got my canopy from the uk for the mossie. and surprise surprise. they included a set of ABS spinners as well. looks just a like a madonna bra on its plastic sheet. ill take a photo. of course they dont tell you how to fit the spinners since its essentially just a plastic dome.
anyhoo. i did the radiator covers on the mossie., this covers the wiring running from the nacelles to the fuz. and ive started applying sanding sealer to the various bits and pieces in prep for painting. not looking forward to trying to paint it.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Mossie Pic

Here is a pic of the mossie so far. nacelles are glued on. its nearing the point of painting now.
bit worried about the power though. the motors provide 140w of power each(confirmed with watt meter) and the plane weighs 2.6pounds. giving a rating of 110w per pound. marginal for a fighter.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

JR dsx7

so the Hitec aurora 9 has been delayed again until end november. not only is it quite expensive now. but i also dont trust it. why the delays?

so i bought myself a JR dsx7 from flying-hobby. same as the spektrum dx7 except its mode changeable and it has a timer. otherwise pretty basic. got all the major functions required.

only thing which i find strange is that they changed the modulation from DSM2 to DSMJ and the 2 are NOT compatible. so for the moment the new JR receivers are more expensive. Apparently DSMJ is frequency hopping and DSM2 isnt. Pertsonally i always though DSM2 was frequency hopping. so if anyone has a comment let me know

Ive roungh sanded the fuz for the mozzie now. made the hole in the side for the wings. goin to join the wings and fit them shortly

Monday, November 2, 2009

Mossie Progress

got the retracts in and working. almost at the point now where i can start to cover/paint still waiting for my canopy though